

Hotel Astra Opera

29, rue de Caumartin 75009 Paris France


What we check for you in Hotel Astra Opera

We have negotiated for you :

Free entry to the Gym, Sauna, Swimming Pool
Complimentary open bar every afternoon: soft drinks and snacks

Hotel description:

Located on rue de Caumartin in Paris’s 9th arrondissement, just a stone’s throw from Printemps, Galeries Lafayette and the Opéra Garnier, the Hôtel Astra Opéra**** will delight you with its theme of French stars: star dancer Marie-Agnès Gillot, astronaut Claudie Haigneré, actor and director Daniel Auteuil and the Bouglione circus family. A 4-star boutique hotel with 73 rooms belonging to the Astotel family of hotels.

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